Title:Point Presents Sleeping Car Porters
Dec 05, 2019 - Dec 14, 2019
The Brick
Buy Tickets for Title:Point Presents Sleeping Car Porters
Title:Point Presents
Sleeping Car Porters
It’s just that sometimes the moon makes me lonely is all. Maybe sometimes I guess it’d be better with no moon at all. Just the dark.
Title:Point’s Sleeping Car Porters is a pitch black comedy that explores western masculine myth through a phantasmagoria of power, violence, and mystery. Two characters, Billy the Kid and Zodiac, must navigate an unforgiving landscape that forces them to reveal themselves to one another while coming to terms with their destructive nature.
Written by Ryan William Downey
Directed by Ryan William Downey and Title:Point
Stage Managed and Prop Design by Devon Wade Granmo
Projection Design by Scott M Ries
Set Design by Abigail Entsminger
Lighting Design by Brian Lady
Sound Design by Ryan William Downey
Poster/Image – Mark Toneff
Program Layout and Design – Chrissy Reilly
Zodiac – Ryan William Downey
Billy the Kid – Theresa Buchheister
Betty Lou/Fata Morgana/Sandy – Nadia Pinder
David/Horse/Don – Justin Anselmi
Stranger – Shahryar Motia
Voice – DJ Mendel
Dakota Kirke- Kegan Zema
Authority Ghosts:
Buster Brown – Brian Lady
Grizzly Madam – Scott M Ries
Ole Long Legs – Devon Wade Granmo
Arbuckle – Abigail Entsminger
Thurs, December 5, 8pm
Fri, December 6, 8pm
Sat, December 7, 2pm and 8pm
Sun, December 8, 2pm and 8pm
Tues, December 10, 8pm
Weds, December 11, 8pm
Thurs, December 12, 8pm
Fri, December 13, 8pm
Sat, December 14, 8pm
- photos by Walter Wlodarczyk